
TCP message pushing and receiving in Bash

This package makes easy to handle TCP requests on the command-line.

You can both send and receive messages with the portability only Bash can offer.

$ bpkg install umq -g


umq is quite a toolbox - there are several ways you can use it.

Let’s take a server, for example. The following will create a server and listen on localhost port 3000 for all incoming TCP messages.

$ umq recv 3000 | { \
  while read -r line; do \
    echo "got: '$line'"; \
  done; \

You can connect and read from the server by using umq itself:

$ umq recv localhost 3000

Pushing data is just as easy:

$ echo "ping" | umq push localhost 3000

# It should yield the following response
# on the umq server:
got: 'ping'

umq’s API

usage: umq <command> [-hV]

$ echo "hello world" | umq push localhost 3000
$ umq recv localhost 3000 | while read line; do \
  echo "msg: $line"; done

  push <host> <port>      push message to host with port
  recv <host> <port>      receive message on host with port
  help <command>          see more information on a command

  -h, --help              display this message
  -V, --version           output version

Real-life Examples

CPU Histogram

Using umq with the histo viewer allows for data to be streamed via TCP to a histogram chart. See cpu-stream for a preview.

wall server

Streaming messages to all users via the wall program. See wall-server.

Published: June 16 2014

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